![]() Harcourt -- publishes many Bernard Most books Children's Lit -- The Children's Literature Comprehensive Database is a subscription-based information retrieval service designed to meet the needs of organizations and individuals who work with children's books. Book Page reviews of If the Dinosaurs Came Back and Whatever Happened To The Dinosaurs. Artwork by Bernard Most on display at the National Center for Children's Illustrated Literature, in Abilene, Texas. The Dinosaur Interplanetary Gazette is "the ultimate online dinosaur magazine." Their motto is Scientia, Sapientia, Joci Ridiculi (Science, Wisdom, Stupid Jokes). University of Florida's College of Education site gives descriptions of two books by Bernard Most as well as dinosaur books by other authors. Dinosaurs - Learning Activities for Language Arts provided by an elementary school teacher in Tennessee. DinoManiac Jr. contains a list of books for young readers about dinosaurs that are highly recommended by paleontologists Digital Librarian -- Search by subject or author name. Cynthia Smith -- Cynthia Leitich Smith is a children's and young adult book author living in sunny Austin, Texas. This author page is part of her Children's Literature Resources site. Marilee's Picture Books - A list of links to picturebook titles and authors. The Children's Book Council (CBC) -- A non-profit trade organization dedicated to encouraging literacy and the use and enjoyment of children's books since 1945. One More Story -- A website of the best of children's literature (ages 2-9) where children can choose a book, see the illustrations and either have the book read to them or read it themselves.
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