Bernardosaurus says CLICK HEREBernardosaurus says:

Harcourt wanted a companion board book to go along with Peek-A-Moo!, my barnyard take-off of one of the earliest games a child learn: "peek-a-boo!"   One of the earliest verses a child learns popped into my head:  "row, row, row your boat."

With so many barnyard animals fresh in my mind from books like The Cow That Went Oink, Cock-a-Doodle-Moo!, Moo-Ha! and Oink-Ha!, it seemed so natural for me to think: "Row, row, row your goat," "Row, row, row your cow," "Row, row, row your pig"...

I was honored to learn that Row, Row, Row Your Goat received the Oppenheim Platinum Award and was featured in "The Oppenheim Best Books of 1999."

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